Radomír Nahodil

Radomír Nahodil

Patent Attorney

With a career in industrial law spanning more than 25 years, Radomir is a key pillar of THK Legal's patent department. His specialisation in chemistry, biochemistry and pharmaceuticals, combined with a deep understanding of these fields, brings clients not only cutting-edge expertise, but also inspiring insights and strategies. Radomir's refined approach and ability to see things from a higher perspective continually broaden our clients'; horizons.

Professional focus

He started his professional career with the Industrial Property Office, where he examined applications for inventions. His activities also include participation in the meetings of the WIPO Union Committee of Experts on International Patent Classification in Geneva and the working sessions of the European Patent Office. Radomir is an experienced navigator in the world of administrative proceedings. He can effectively navigate clients through complex patent processes and provide valuable advice on patentability of inventions in his specialized areas. His work includes administrative proceedings and patent litigation in the pharmaceutical field, as well as expert translations of patents.

Education and Language skills

Radomir speaks Czech, English, German and Slovak. He received his education at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, where he defended his diploma thesis on "Reaction of metals with chloropromazine". He also completed a specialized study program at the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic, which further deepened his expertise and skills in the field of industrial law.


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Jak chránit svůj originální interiér před kopírováním a napodobováním: Právní tipy pro restaurace, bary, obchody a provozovny

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To by sis měl patentovat!

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