Anna Nováková

Anna Nováková

Head Of Team - Patents, EP Validations and SPCs

Anna is a strong dynamic force in the THK Legal team. Her energy, procedural thinking and attention to absolute detail have made her a natural fit for the role of team leader for patents, European patent validations and Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs). Her unique combination of creativity, diligence and passion for innovation and learning new things makes her an unmissable member of our team. Anna exemplifies how expertise combined with a human touch can create real value for clients and colleagues.

Professional path and professional focus

Anna started her career in science and the Biocev Centre, where she was part of a Czech- Australian research team working on mitochondria and their role in carcinogenesis. Her work contributed to the development of Mitotam, which has successfully progressed to Phase II clinical trials. Her achievements certainly include publications in the international scientific journals Cell Metabolism and Elife.

In 2023, Anna decided to use her deep knowledge of genetics, pharmaceutics and cell biology in the world of intellectual property protection and joined the THK Legal team.

Her expertise brings an invaluable contribution to the field of patents, providing unique insight and understanding of complex scientific concepts, which is indispensable for the effective protection of our clients' innovations.

Anna embodies THK Legal's values of continuous improvement, innovation and high quality work. She is known for her smile, attention to detail and continuous process improvement in the field of patent law. Her positive attitude and commitment to client satisfaction make her not only an outstanding professional, but also a colleague who inspires all others.

Education and language skills

Anna graduated from the Faculty of Science of Charles University (M.Sc. degree), where she gained extensive knowledge in chemistry, cell and developmental biology. This academic experience and her research provide the perfect foundation for her current career in intellectual property protection.

Anna is fluent in Czech, English and German, which is a great asset for her international work in the field.


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